Emily, Milwaukee, Wisconsin © Andrea Bartley
Surprisingly, most of the people I encounter have grown up in Milwaukee or lived here for a significant amount of time. But what should the cut-off be? How long do you have to spend in one area to be considered "from" there? What place do you identify yourself from? Emily has lived in Milwaukee for 15 years, while Nicholas has only been here for 7 years. Do they both call Milwaukee their home? When I photographed people this time, I found that it was easier to get a sincere reaction from them if I strike up a conversation for a short amount of time. It was easier for them to trust me if I explain my purpose for taking their picture and when I asked them about themselves, they relaxed a little more in front of the camera.
Also, I think I want to start shooting verticals as well as horizontals, just in case there is something about their attire or gesture that is interesting.